Prosper LMS

Learning & Trainer Management System Mobile & Desktop Based Learning through Proprietary Applications

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Benefits For Business

Cost Save

Learnings once created, can be used multiple times at multiple locations with almost zero cost. Organization also saves recurring costs on instructor fees & travel.

Leverage Emerging Trends

Transition to digital learning platforms enhances the impact & ROI by adopting flexible/learner centric approach like Responsive designs, Multi-device delivery, Microlearning, Gamification, Scenario based learning etc.


Digital learning reaches large audience at one go irrespective of geographical spread. While designing learning strategy, digital learning helps in driving high efficiency in learning engagement & knowledge retention.

Increased Efficiency

Increased Efficiency In corporate environment, digital Learning increase employee focus on day-to-day tasks. Statistics reveal that streamlined digital workplace learning helped employees learn 5 times more than they did in same time in standard training sessions.

Benefits To Learner

Shorter Seat Time

A Brandon Hall study suggests “Learning videos take 40-60% less time to complete compared to traditional classroom training“. This means that learner can achieve the same learning outcomes in less time.

Control to Learner

The digital learning approach is learner-centric, enabling them to go through the training at own pace. They have access to these learnings to repeatedly for reference can refresh whenever required.

Flexibility to Learner

The Learning content can be accessed anytime & anywhere. These tools allow the learner to choose the device on which they want to learn- Desktop/ Laptop/ Tab/ Mobile.

High Learning Retention

A study by Research Institute of America proves that retention rate was in the range of 25-60% for digital learning whereas it ranged 8-10% for face-to-face training.

Prosper HRMS

Learning & Trainer Management System Mobile & Desktop Based Learning through Proprietary Applications

Available On

Streamline HR Operations

Employees’ Data at One Location
  • Maintains Records for Payroll & Tax
  • Keeps Compliance with Laws & Regulations
  • Tracks of Employees’ Performance & Development
  • Promotes Transparency
Streamlined Documentation Process
  • Smart Storage Process for Documents
  • Back-Up for important documents
  • Off-Site Access to all Documents with cloud
  • Increase Work Efficiency with smart decisions
Employee Processes Supported
  • Employee Attendance Management
  • Employee Leave Management
  • Employee Hiring Management
  • Employee Separation Management
  • Employee Asset Management
  • Employee Communications Calendar
  • Employee Appraisal Process
  • Employee Expense Management Process

Empower Yourself through Knowledge and Growth

Unlock Your Potential, Embrace Self-Growth, and Transform Your Life


Character Driven Approach

A Character/Mascot for the entire animation video, who takes the audience through the entire product/process and explains the parts/steps phase-wise

Category Based Approach

Choosing a category to explain the product/process Features, Advantages & Benefits to the audience

Blended Approach

Character driven e-Learning explaining the products & process segment by segment


SCORM 1.2 Compliant Interactive E-Learning
Audio Visual Story Telling / Concept Sharing
Usage of Acclaimed Concepts or Models
Learning Exercises
Case Studies
Knowledge / Psychometric Assessments


All programs come with a Teaser/Promo shareable with Stakeholders & Learners prior to the roll out of the E-Learning, in order to:

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